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Roof Top Hotel LOGGEDIN

by admin

shanghai, China
Raised Percent :
Funding Goal
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Fund Raised

Roof Top Hotel 6

by admin

toronto, Canada
Raised Percent :
Funding Goal
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Fund Raised

Roof Top Hotel 5

by admin

shanghai, China

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text

Raised Percent :
Funding Goal
Days to go
Fund Raised

Roof Top Hotel 4

by admin

disney land, Hong Kong
Raised Percent :
Funding Goal
Days to go
Fund Raised

Roof Top Hotel 3

by admin

california, United States (US)
Raised Percent :
Funding Goal
Days to go
Fund Raised

Roof Top Hotel 1

by admin

Derbyshire, United Kingdom (UK)
Raised Percent :
Funding Goal
Days to go
Fund Raised

Roof Top Hotel

by admin

Vienna, Australia
Raised Percent :
Funding Goal
Days to go
Fund Raised

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Crowd Construction is the premier portal to sell or finance your building projects. Our team is made up of Architects, Planning Consultants, Finance Experts, Builders and Designers. We are here to help!


Welcome, We Are

Crowd Construction

Crowd Construction was created to help people realise their building dreams. Building projects these days are a minefield to the inexperienced and so we wanted to make the best experience accessible.

Julian Salmon, CEO

It is a long established fact that Building these days is a very complex matter. Just acquiring the right piece of land and getting planning permission are the first two of many hurdles that you will face.

No matter what stage you are at our expert team can save you time and money, from designs and planning applications through to acquiring finance and the actual build phase, we can help!

Contact us today to find out more

Projects For Sale

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3D Rendring

We can bring your projects to life with internal and external 3D rendering of the site and properties.

Why do you need this?

3D rendering helps people visualise the completed project and so it can reduce the number of objections to an application as well as prove to financiers and angels that you are committed to the project.


If you have some land but do not currently have planning permission, or have land with planning but you do not know if its the best scheme for the plot then why not get our amazing planning consultants to look at your plans and offer some genuine advice.


Once you have the planning permission in place it is time to decide if you want to sell the land with planning and take your profit or proceed with the build as well.

If you choose to build then you will probably need some finance. We have 3 routes available to help you achieve that: Finance companies, Angel Investors & Crowd Funding.


Now you have the planning and finance in place you are going to need a great builder. This is a big project with lots of money on the line and you want the building doing on time and on budget, where can you find a great ‘trustworthy’ builder? – RIGHT HERE! Tell us about your project now


Are you looking for that next building project either as an investor or to buy and build out yourself, then look no further we have what you are looking for. No matter how you want to get involved we have projects you will be interested in, Just register online now to get access and browse the projects we have live now.